Frontpage » Products » ECO-GEHR

semi-finished products based on renewable resources

ECO-GEHRTM plastics stand for semi-finished products based on renewable resources. These sustainable materials possess regenerative raw material contents between 60 % to 100 % and hence a positive CO2 balance. In addition to that ECO-GEHRTM offers an alternative to the non-renewable resource crude oil. As a basis we use all sorts of organic materials such as sugar/starch, lignin, cellulose, castor, oil wood fibres. After polymerization these raw materials are adjusted by compounding so that they are suitable for the extrusion process on the existing machines.

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Tel: +1 610 497 – 8941
Fax: +1 610 497 – 8901

GEHR Plastics Inc.
24 Creek Circle
Boothwyn, PA 19061


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